This selection determines the speed at which the bar gets to green when you need to release the shot. Here you can select between Very Early, Early, Late, or Very Late release. But how long do you need to hold to shoot with consistency? That depends on the Shot Timing Release Time option. To be successful, you have to hold the shot button/stick down and release it at the correct time to hit the shot.

Related: How to change Shot Meter in NBA 2K23 What's the difference between Release Time options?

Layups only - You have to time the button release for layups only, while shots depend on player stats and the difficulty of the shot.Shots only - Your release time will depend on the shot, while layups are activated by pressing the button.Just like in NBA 2K22, most players select the Shots only option, but that's not the only choice: This way, you can set your 3-point shooting in NBA 2K23 to be more or less depending on how you time your shot. In this game, getting to the green in the shooting bar is even more crucial as shots made in white are now almost always missed. There are several options to select the timing of your shots. Here's how to change the way you shoot in NBA 2K23! How to set Shot Timing in NBA 2K23 It's important to point out that changing the timing of the shot doesn't affect the shot animation. That means the speed at which the shot bar turns green is now different. Depending on our shooting style, you can now change when to release the shot. In NBA 2K23, shot timing is crucial for your success, as every player has a slightly different technique.