I’m a big fan – and user – of products like and RealVNC. What I needed was a way to ensure that I could remotely access and update specific files and I didn’t want to have to deal with remote access software. Keep in mind that I have a perfectly satisfactory system for storing and managing files on my desktop computer. I solved the problem by shifting my file access to the cloud, reducing the files I have to carry with me.

Portability raised the likelihood of my files being lost or stolen if I misplaced the container in which they were stored. On to USB thumb drives and finally shifting to a 2 GB micro SD card about the size of a raisin. Then I added a handheld computer, which was still smaller and even more portable: no cords, no bags. I went mobile with a laptop, which was smaller than my desktop and was portable. My quest for better file access started with a nagging suspicion that my shrinking storage containers would be my downfall.